Art is a vocation that can be learned both at the formal tertiary institution and at the informal workshop center. Vocational and Technical Education within the context of this definition can therefore be conceptualized as an alternative training program that is designed mostly to improve the employability of participants and also to empower them with work readiness skills. The aim of such training program has been to support participants’ inclusion into labor force. Based on this fact, it can be reiterated that the need to link vocational and technical education program to economic opportunities within the context of livelihood sustenance is highly imperative in academic scholarship.. The vocational and technical education opportunities being articulated in this study can be divided into three broad categories: (1) training offered in private institutions under the entrepreneurship programmes (2) training established by governments through formal tertiary institutions such as: the Polytechnics and Colleges of Education and (3) training sponsored by non-governmental organizations (NGOs), private individuals and/or religious organizationsthe art workshop experiments organized in Nigeria at Oye-Ekiti, Osogbo, Ile-Ife, Lagos and Agbarah-Otor fall under the last category.
The driving force for every nation is her educational goals that are geared towards development. This is because one cannot expect to achieve what was not planned for. This implies that education is an in view. This was clearly reflected in the early Spartans, Athenians and Romans education. For instance, the Spartans education in the 7 th BC focused on physical training as the nation was interested in producing men that are battle ready. The Athenians in reaction to the Spartans educational goal emphasized on condition and cultural re- orientation or developed their educational goal to include manual training that encouraged development of cognition and skills as well as physical training in the art of war (NOUN, 2006). The National Policy on Education in Nigeria clearly defines the nation’s educational goals and shows at a glance the area of emphasis. For instance, the policy documents, two main philosophy and fife national objectives (FRN, 2004). It further adds that for the philosophy to be in harmony with Nigeria’s national goals, education has to be geared towards self realization, better efficiency, effective citizenship, national consciousness, national unity, as well as towards social, cultural, economic, political, scientific and technological progress. Though comprehensive, it is a pointer to how the nation intends to bring about effective citizenship via education that is geared towards economic scientific and technological progress among others. Along this line, the policy stressed further that the goals would lead to “acquisition of appropriate skills and the development of mental, physical and social abilities and competences as equipped for the individual to live in and contribute to the development of the society” (FRN, 2004p.8). To be able to realize these noble objectives, the policy emphasizes that the quality of instruction all educational levels has to be oriented towards inculcating acquisition of competences necessary for self-reliance. Competency as used here calls for skills acquisition, which is the baseline of all vocational and technical disciplines especially at the secondary and tertiary levels. Vocational and technical subjects include Business Education, Fine Art, Agricultural Education, Home Economics Education, Technical Education and recently Computer Education. The National Policy on Education (FRN, 2004) Sees VTE as a comprehensive term. Thus, they refuse to those aspects of the educational process involving in addition to general education, the study of technologies and related sciences and the acquisition of practical skills, attitudes, understanding and knowledge relating to occupations in various sectors of economics and social life. By this, VTE is seen to be (i) an integral part of general education, (ii) a means of preparing for occupational fields and for effective participation in the world of work (iii) an aspect of lifelong learning and a preparation for responsible citizenship (iv)an instrument for promoting environmental sound sustainable development (v) a method of alleviating poverty.
Technical and vocational education (TVE) has been an integral part of national development strategies in many societies because of its impact on productivity and economic development. In spite of its contributions, Nigeria as a nation has not given this aspect of education the attention it deserves.
This is one of the reasons for the nation’s underdevelopment. This paper explores the role played by technical and vocational education in national development and further argues that technical education holds the key to national development.
Technical education is a planned program of courses and learning experiences that begins with exploration of career options, supports basic academic and life skills, and facilitates achievement of high academic standards, leadership, preparation for industry-defined work, and advanced continuing education. While vocational education and training prepares learners for careers that are based in manual or practical activities, traditionally non-academic and totally related specific trade, occupation or vocation. In other words, it is education designed to develop occupational skills. Vocational and technical education gives individuals the skills to live, learn and work as a productive citizens in a global society. Technical and Vocational education has many prospects. It can be used as a catalyst for creating employment opportunities. Thus, it is a panacea for achieving the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs).
The Role of Vocational & Technical Education in National Development Education is linked to human resources development, it has significant impact on economic growth, as well as the development of individuals and societies. Education contributes to: Individual creativity, improved participation in the economic, social and cultural role in the society improved understanding of individuals and their respect for others, thus promoting social cohesion and mutual understanding; improvement in health and nutrition; improved chances of economic development; improved technological development; socio-cultural change; democracy and equality; and ecological development/quality of life (increasing people’s awareness of their environments). Examining this list, it seems clear that modernization and economic development, although desirable, are not the only aspects of human development that are, and should be enhanced by the provision of education. Participation in social, political and cultural activities and improvements in health as education goals are equally important. Investment in education and training produces benefits for the individual and for society as a whole. Education not only benefits those who gain it through increased income, but also helps overall social development.
The return on investment for society will be a skilled workforce that will enable global competitiveness and economic growth, while the return for the individual will be an improved career path, increased earning power and a better quality of life.
Unfortunately, despite all the glaring contributions of technical and vocational education in our nation, Nigeria is yet to accord this type of education the attention it deserves. This is one of the major reasons for the rising unemployment, poverty and unabated crimes in the society today. This study is an attempt to explore some issues, challenges and the way forward for vocational and technical education in Nigeria. Inadequate funding of vocational institutions has caused the turning out of half-baked graduates because there is no fund to build and maintain workshops, laboratories or even purchase modern equipment’s, Vocational technical education is generally inadequate because of poor funding. Experienced and skillful teachers may not be employed. Those that are employed, because of poor remuneration do not stay long in the teaching profession, but drift to some other more lucrative jobs especially in the industries and abroad. Consequently, inexperienced and unqualified technical teachers are employed thereby lowering academic standard, resulting to wastage in the achievement of technical education goals (Agbionu, 2003). Inadequate funding of Vocational technical institutions has often caused a lot of difficulties in the payment of staff salaries. It has also resulted to the retrenchment of teachers or retirement of teachers at early age. However it is the objective of this study to find out the impact of technical and vocational education in Nigeria and also proffer solution to the problem of technical and vocational education in Nigeria.
The main objective of this study to find out the impact of technical and vocational education in Nigeria and also proffer solution to the problem of technical and vocational education in Nigeria, specifically the study intends to:
1. Find out the different VTE courses available in Nigeria tertiary institution
2. Investigate the important of VTE in the society
3. Study and proffer solution to the problem of VTE in Nigeria
4. Find out the impact of VTE on development in Nigeria